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Notice of temporary closure of R-352

10 September 2020

Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993 of Clare County Council’s intention to temporarily close the following road to facilitate installation of a new culvert at Callaghy, Tuamgreaney, Co. Clare.

Road to be closed:

R-352, from the intersection with the R468 at Ballynahinch Cross eastwards to its intersection with the R-463 at Tuamgreaney. Local access will be maintained.

Alternative routes/diversion:

From the R-468 at Ballinahinch Cross, continue into Feakle Village to Peppers Pub and turn right onto R461 to Scarriff, then right onto R-352 and vice versa.

Date and time of closure:

For a period of 10 days approximately between Saturday, 17th October, 2020, and Monday, 26th October, 2020 (24-hour closure).

Observations/representations may be made in writing to the Administrative Officer, Clare County Council, Roads & Transportation Department, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare, before 4.00pm on Friday, 25th September, 2020.

Page last updated: 10/09/20

Content managed by: Roads, Environment and Water Services Department

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